Throughout history, many Jehovah’s Witnesses have been acclaimed for earthly achievements in the arts, science, politics and sports. Sadly, many experienced spiritual shipwreck. But such is not always the case. In this post we take a look at a few of our brothers and sisters in the faith, whom we can look upon proudly, not just for their great accomplishments, but also for continuing to loyally serve Jehovah through thick and thin. Fame and fortune are often enemies of faith, but these brothers and sisters are proof that such is not always the case.
Margaret Keane
Margaret Keane and actress Amy Adams

George Benson

This Grammy-Award winning Jazz guitarist is another well-known Witness of Jehovah. Born and raised in Pennsylvania, where he began playing music outside a corner store at age seven, Benson’s accomplishments also include a triple platinum album (Breezin’) and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Unlike many of his contemporaries, Benson enjoyed making music that is about love and romance, but without the crudeness often present in such lyrics. In this, as well as in the healthy relationship he’s maintained with his beloved wife Johnnie Lee since the 60’s, Benson is a shining example of how fame and fortune need not turn one away from serving Jehovah.
George Benson about Jehovah God and Michael Jackson.
George Benson says how was his talk to Michael Jackson. Says that he used to go door-to-door with a Bible in his hands.
Ida Eisenhower

If the first thing that comes to mind when you see the name Eisenhower is the former U.S. president, you are on the right track. Ida was the mother of Dwight Eisenhower, considered by many to be one of the greatest presidents in the nation’s history, but she was also an accomplished woman in her own right. As a young woman growing up in Kansas in the 1800’s, she was discouraged from going to high school, but she did so anyway and even went on to graduate from Lane University. She was a part of the early history of our faith, as she joined the International Bible Students in the 1890’s, a group that would soon be known as the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Her home would be a frequent meeting place for the group. Having raised four children, including Dwight and Milton – the latter would go on to become president of Kansas State University, Pennsylvania State University and John Hopkins University – Ida was named Kansas Mother of the Year in 1945.
Sister Eisenhower is briefly mentioned in the article, ”A Soldier Who Became a Preacher” October 15, 1980 pp. 25-26.
Leopold Engleitner

Before passing away in 2013, Engleitner was known as the oldest male survivor of the Holocaust. He is the subject of the documentaries Unbroken Will and Ladder in the Lions' Den. Engleitner was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1932 and, even before the rise of Nazi Germany, faced intolerance from his Austrian countrymen for this. His treatment in concentration camps was such that he dwindled down to 54 pounds and was released only when he submitted to a life of slavery. Two years later, he was forcibly enlisted in the German army. Choosing not to fight, he hid in rural mountains and was hunted by Nazi soldiers, but never caught. The courage to remain steadfast in his faith despite imprisonment and torment makes him a great example of what it truly means to be steadfast.
Brother Engleitner's life story appeared in the article: ”Though Weak, I Am Powerful”, May 1, 2005 pp. 23-28.
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Не знал что мама Ейзенхауера была свидетелем Иеговы.
ReplyDeleteRemember the movie that just came out called big eyes? This is the actual sister
ReplyDeleteI wish i could be jehovah witness, i was once..but its not possible..being gay is a no no. I hope jehovah can forgive me when Armageddon comes..
ReplyDeletehave you ever tried to study with anyone? i encourage you to. regardless the background we have had brothers and sisters that were in the past and were able to overcome and learn and appreciate the truth. we are here to help! :) visit and you may write a request best of wishes!
DeleteThis kind of stories about our brothers and sisters who worked hard to build their God given talents, can be quite germane. It helps in no small measure in disabusing the minds of our critics , who claim that most Witnesses are bereft of great talents or natural gift whatsoever.
DeleteJehovah does not hate you, he is not partial. Please return and give your return a chance.