The Catholic Church raised a "cry of alarm", the newspaper La Republica, because every year ten thousand Catholics become Jehovah's Witnesses. The Jesuit Giuseppe De Rosa said that "the religious point of view the most dangerous are Jehovah's Witnesses. They come fully trained, and always have the Bible in hand."
In an article that deals specifically with Jehovah's Witnesses, the Jesuit journal La Civilta Cattolica said:
"The first reason for the spread of this movement are the propaganda techniques [ie, in preaching]. On the one hand, the work is thorough, carried from house to house by people who are strictly trained in this work, and are deeply convinced [ ...] " More...
"The second reason for the success of jw's is the force of attraction of Jehovah's message, because it can meet the needs, demands and expectations of the people of our time. First, answers the need for certainty, which is much appreciated at a time where everything is uncertain and unstable. [...] Above all, it is an absolutely safe revelation of the future and, therefore, all who accepted, experience freedom from fear and anxiety and can face the future with joy, with ensuring that survive the destruction that will come the great day of God's judgment on a wicked world, to live in eternal happiness on earth. Second, Jehovah's message helps to overcome the concern of the individual against the woes of this world, announces that soon will end the unbearable situation of today, and soon, so there will be a new era will be born a new world in which all the wicked will be removed now triumph. [...] "
"The third reason for the success of TJs is that this movement gives its members a precise identity and strong, and is a place where they were greeted with warmth and a sense of brotherhood and solidarity."
The Vatican document analyzed the needs of people today, and the quote above the Jesuit journal La Civilta Cattolica showed that the message of Jehovah's Witnesses meet those needs. This also showed Vittorio Messori Catholic writer in his recent book Scommesse sulla morte (a bet on death), who writes: "It makes us think that Jehovah's Witnesses, is one of the religious denominations of the fastest growing in the world. It is among the religions that are practiced in many countries and perhaps [...] is first in terms of fervor, zeal, activism, the ability to make proselytes. " "And his presence, increasingly pronounced, is not limited to Christian tradition countries, but reaching the whole world, where in the name of Jehovah, and before long, they get results that are superior to those of Catholic missionaries, Protestants and Orthodox, who have worked for centuries. "
"This stunning expansive force is incomprehensible only to those who simply do not want to admit that [...] course in how to understand the Bible, Jehovah's Witnesses meet the real needs that other theologies do not meet." "You can not get around the issue suggesting that the growth of witnesses is because they scare people is precisely the opposite:. Unlike the churches" official ", deny the existence of hell and preach the destruction, disappearance after death to the wicked and unbelieving. This may be an unpleasant prospect, but certainly me.
Source: CNBB
Great the organization is growing. The kingdom of jehovah will come soon :)
ReplyDeletethanks for the appreciation.. but you must capitalized the letter in God's name like this "Jehova"
DeleteKind & humble words, and especially actions, are far more appealing & representative of the name we are associated with. Please, brothers & sisters, keep this in mind when posting. This could be a good witness in so many ways if not marred by near heckling.
DeleteYou got that right!!
Delete(Y) :-)
ReplyDeleteIt should be capitalized because it is his name and all names are capitalized.
Delete"Sì sono raccolti come un solo uomo contro Dio e il suo unto " . Il proposito di Geova sarà una realtà nonostante il più grande nemico dell'umanita' remi contro " il piccolo e ora divenuto mille " tutto questo con lo spirito di Geova e la guida del Suo unta cristo Gesù ... presto tutta l' umanità vivrà unità senza più divisioni e sofferenze ... grazie a Geova
ReplyDeleteYess everyone will know that Jehovah is the only tru God. He alone is the most high. Much love!! And go and find it out at jw.org
ReplyDeleteWe are happy people because we have Jehovah :))) We love Jehovah and our neighbours :))) we preach and teach we walk the walk shoulder by shoulder nation wide with the gift from Jehovah in our hands
ReplyDeleteThe Bible 😄😄😄
DeleteThis is very uplifting news.
ReplyDeleteThe most important reason was missed out... This organisation has the backing of the only true God JEHOVAH. Isaiah 55:11.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely..Thank You Alice.
DeleteFor more info readers go to JW.Org
Eindelijk word Gods naam Jehovah verhoogd. Matteüs 6:9, 10 Gij moet aldus bidden ’Onze Vader in de hemelen, uw naam worde geheiligd. 10 Uw koninkrijk kome. Uw wil geschiede, gelijk in de hemel, zo ook op aarde. 11 Geef ons heden ons brood voor vandaag; 12 en vergeef ons onze schulden, zoals ook wij onze schuldenaars hebben vergeven. 13 En breng ons niet in verzoeking, maar bevrijd ons van de goddeloze.’
ReplyDeleteGreat quote but I think this might be an old article, partly quoted in the watchtower 4/15 1994 pg15
ReplyDeleteAlways good to hear again!
DeleteThat means since 1994, there are at least 200,000+ more brothers and sisters who have adopted the one true God as their father, in heaven. May Jehovah bless their faith as they draw others to him.
DeleteHe calls the preaching work a propaganda technique ? Does the pope not read the scriptures? Does he not know that this was a command from Jesus himself? Matt 28: 19,20. Its what we are supposed to be doing as Christians!
DeleteMatt 28: 19,20
ReplyDeleteThis is great. Jehovah said it long ago that, I will all the nations to know that I am Jehovah. HIS Witnesses work with HIM to make it happen. Jehovah is behind this ever increasing work. Let's us march out there and show the world that we have a great GOD. Go to JW.org to view more. JW in RSA
ReplyDeleteAmazing! I love this! I am very proud of our true god : ) Jehovah
ReplyDeleteHes really saying he's jealous and afraid. Like the religious leaders of Jesus day who thought all the people would all become followers of Jesus All because he gave his Heavenly Fathers word (the truth ) to the people.
ReplyDeleteLove to Jehovah and to our brothers and sisters around the world....
ReplyDelete"Then the nations shall no that I am Jehovah". " ...and the little one will become a great nation." Once again Jehovah speaks the truth.
ReplyDeleteI love Jahovah. I'm studying with witnesses , its comma since really . I never learned so much of the bible with any other religion .I'd been searching for the truth .I found true love from Jahovah my father
ReplyDeleteall nations will know that the true and living God is JEHOVAH
ReplyDeleteThis article is from a 1987 Awake Magazine, March 22nd. There are two articles: Why are They Worried About Losing Members?, and Why are So Many Becoming Jehovah's Witnesses? While these articles are faith strengthening and accurate, they are not current and have nothing to do with the present Pope. However, I am sure the sentiments are the same among the Catholic leaders. You may check your Watchtower Library CD ROM. Let's keep up with current information, or at least state the source of the information.
ReplyDeleteI was amazed when I first read this article. I was not fully aware of how many witnesses came from there separation as catholics. This speaks volumes as to how people view our work and how this could only be accomplished with Jehovahs backing. Sad to see that they realize the good example we set and how successful we have become, but fail to realize that God truly is with us and instead of supporting what we do they fight against it and look for ways to combat our success. As Jesus once said of the leaders of his day, they are "Hypocrites". Praise Jah for the superlative work he has accomplished through his son. There is no other religious organization I would rather be affiliated with, then Jehovah’s true worshippers.
ReplyDeleteBasiclly we tell the truth of what in the bible and what Jesus supported and said..not what man has created and mixed up for thier profits and purpose..John17-3..please believe it..
ReplyDeletethis is old, very old news and may have been changed... probably from Awake magazine in 1987. please verify sources and dates before spreading...
ReplyDeleteSo does anyone have references to the Jesuit journal La Civilta Cattolica. Also I cannot find any reference to the conference. It looks like this was made up and never happened. Is that something the watchtower would do?
ReplyDeleteLet's "Watch how We Walk & Watch How We Talk" lest God's name be marred on our account.
ReplyDeletegood news from Italy !
ReplyDeleteThe whole article is a fully quotation of Awake g87 22.3. S5,6. Very very old. But Awake is the source, not CNBB. You have to add this Information if you share it and it has nothing to do with Pope Franziskus.
ReplyDeleteThe only problem is that we don't observe the sabbath of creation which is the forth commandment
ReplyDelete[8]4) Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. [9] Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: [10] But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: [11] For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is , and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Please, do some research, but it's all good
DeleteMarch 22, 1987 Awake Magazine, pages 5-8
Misconception: God instituted the Sabbath when he rested on the seventh day.
DeleteFact: The Bible says: “God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” (Genesis 2:3, King James Version) This verse contains, not a law to man, but a statement of what God did on the seventh creative day. The Bible does not mention anyone observing a sabbath rest before the days of Moses.