The layout of the tabernacle at the Russian Bethel.
Священный шатер в Российском филиале
Jonah and the fish at Brazil Bethel.
Священный шатер в Российском филиале
Jonah and the fish at Brazil Bethel.

Model of Jerusalem in the branch in Rome, Italy.
В Вефиле в Риме, Италия, можно увидеть модель древнего Иерусалима
В Вефиле в Риме, Италия, можно увидеть модель древнего Иерусалима

His model in Bethel, Germany.

Model of Solomon’s Temple at the Branch Office in Rome, Italy

Noah's Ark. Lviv, Bethel(Ukraine)
Ноев ковчег. Вефиль в Львове(Украина)
The visit to Bethel in Brooklyn, USA.
Soon a new world.

Want to see the biblical rainbow?
Bethel in South Africa

Visiting Bethel in Brazil.
Near Goliath

Visit a branch in Australia. Bethel in Sydney. Goliath is a life-size

Bethel in London, England.

Samson is not possible to win!)))
Visiting Bethel in Brazil.
Into the new world!

The reflection of paradise.
Our brother is enjoying the Brooklyn Bethel.

The branch office in Australia.
Bethel to Sydney

At Bethel in Colombia, you can find a tree that started growing at the top of this giant rock.

отлично фотки:)
ReplyDeletePsalm 127:1
ReplyDelete"Except Jehovah build the house, They labor in vain that build it: Except Jehovah keep the city, The watchman waketh but in vain. "
Псалтирь 127:1
"Если Господь не созиждет дома, напрасно трудятся строящие его; если Господь не охранит города, напрасно бодрствует страж."
Salmi 127:1
" Se l'Eterno non edifica la casa, invano vi si affaticano gli edificatori; se l'Eterno non custodisce la città, invano vegliano le guardie."
El Tabernaculo Bro where is that?............ l wsh l cld see hw exactly it luks lyk
ReplyDeleteBellissimo ! Un grande privilegio vedere l'originale ! looks amazing!!!!!